Tag Archives: flower


Untimed Image Prompt. Constrained Writing.

[Show, do not tell, what is happening in this image. This prompt focuses on description and you must use of all five senses in your writing. Most importantly here, no dialogue. ]

Slipping through the small slivered opening in the cliff face and down the dark steps that lead into the grand cavern, he paused at its entrance to take a deep, calming breath. The air had a sharper scent than usual, the rich aroma of earth and water more poignant today than ever.

His calloused hands were slick with sweat and water from the faintly illuminated moss growing on the rock walls. As he straightened the simple grey dress-coat he wore, its rough material snagged on his fingers. Today was the day. He shoved his hand in his pocket, reaching for the small pouch that lay there and the delicate hoop within. The only question he ever cared about. It had cost him everything to acquire.

He stepped forward onto the small stone bridge that spanned the length of the cavern, over the surface of a bottomless, glistening lily pond. Its brightly twinkling flowers only bloomed in the moonlight, and they filled the cavern with a faintly sweet aroma underneath the earth and water. Twilight lilies were her favorite.

He fidgeted, every muscle tense with anticipation and ears straining to catch the sound of footsteps. The waterfall to his right gave off its musical tapestry of patters and blips, normally such a soothing sound, but today it made him anxious. He licked his lips, but his mouth was suddenly dry. Could he do this? He ran a hand through his coarse brown hair and then down his face, closing his eyes. He hoped he could. He hoped she would.

There. He smiled as the soft, rhythmic patter that was not the falls reached his ears. He looked up and his breath caught.

She didn’t look up at him as she stepped onto the bridge, ducking her head instead and looking at the cascade. He took in the sleeveless gossamer gown, the white of the fabric catching the small bits of moonlight that had started to flood the cavern from above and casting her in an ethereal glow. The white ribbons in her hair, fluttered in the small air currents made by falling water and strands of her ebony hair gleamed platinum in the light. An ethereal angel

He smiled and held out a hand. She gingerly took it with her right hand, glancing at his fingers. Her brow wrinkled and for a moment he felt a twinge of foreboding. She smiled crookedly, and when her lips made move to speak but he silenced her with a kiss. He made move to grab her other hand, but froze when she flinched away, hiding her hand behind her back. Her eyes, pale violet against the moonlight, were filled with tears.

He drew back, fully taking in her finery. Her cascading dress was white, its petticoats and ruffles, the white ribbons in her hair. The small tiara and glimmering ear drops that matched the necklace he had overlooked before. A knot seized hold in his stomach and pain gripped his chest. The tears in her eyes spilled over, a trail of silent apologies and broken promises, and he reached again for her hand.

The glimmering halo that rested on her finger matched the rest of her perfectly. Shimmering and unattainable to him, as delicate as the tears that spilled onto his calloused palm. His skin burned where she wept. It ached where she didn’t. He dropped her hand, his question lingering unsaid between them. His hand reached for the pouch in his coat, but she shook her head and turned, fleeing from the bridge

He stood alone in the cavern, the melodic sound of falling water echoing around the room, filling his heart with a thousand regrets. He closed his eyes and thought of the things that no longer waited for him.

The splash was small, the lilies only bobbing slightly with the disturbance, as the crimson flowers gained another fare for the pool that kept them alive.